At twenty-three weeks pregnant, I am beginning to contemplate more and more my upcoming role as mother. So of course I look to the moon. Even as a child I associated the moon with mother. The face in the moon was not ‘The Man in the Moon’, but  Jesus’s mother, Mary.

As an astrologer, I know that the moon can signify a lot about the mother, as well. So I begin to contemplate my experience with my own mother based on my moon’s position, and how I may be as a mother myself. My moon is in Virgo in the ninth house, very close to the midheaven and I have a few pretty hard aspects and one really nice one. I could interpret so many things just based on these few facts in my chart…my childhood, my future child’s childhood…

When looking at the moon in your chart, you can remember a few things to help guide you. The moon describes the feminine, how you view your mother or how you nurture others.  The moon is your intuitive feeling nature. What sign and house your moon is in will give you clues to how you can find comfort in the world. The house your moon is in will show your sensitivity and how you are influenced by others, and will be the most fluctuating area in your chart. Finally, the moon shows something of your domestic life, and for a woman, how she relates to her body.

Looking at the moon, it is at once magical and frightening, fragile and wild. It represents constant change, but in such a defined way. It is a dark magnet, and a bright companion. Emily Dickinson had it right. For each of us, the moon has indeed carved her own road and travels it well.

Written by Brandi Palechek
Internet marketing consulting covering all aspects of online marketing including strategic planning, social media marketing, email marketing, SEM / SEO, and pay per click program management. ...