Gentle Friendship Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

Friday belongs to gentle Venus, the goddess-planet who rules over love and relationships and other such things. This spell can help bring more friendship into your life on Venus' day. All you need is a pink ribbon. First, meditate on the qualities you admire in a friend-such as loyalty, or sense of fun, or whatever. Then think about what you offer as a friend. Tie the ribbon around your wrist as a reminder of all of these traits. Now, take advantage of the lovely summer weather to get outside and meet new people. Do not be shy. Walk in the park, visit a street fair, or go window-shopping with one eye peeled on passing humanity. All it takes sometimes is a smile or a warm greeting to folks that pass by. Some will be attracted by your good cheer and obvious peace and contentment. You may end up making arrangements to meet again. Remember: friendships can start small, and often do, but they make a big difference.

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