POSTED UNDER Earth, Love, Prosperity

Honoring Your Mother and Your Mother Earth Ritual

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Coriander
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Coriander

Mother's Day is one holiday that reminds us to honor our mothers. The mothers I am referring to are our biological and spiritual mothers--good old Mom and good old Mother Earth. Set up an altar to your mothers, including pictures, mementos, and natural items like feathers, stones, and nuts. Place a green candle in the center of the altar. Light some "earthy" incense like sandalwood, patchouli, or sage. Think fondly about your mothers, and of any special events or feelings you've shared. Light the green candle, and say:

I honor my mothers, who gave birth to me. They comfort, console, bless, teach, and love me. May they be blessed with love, honor, and prosperity. Blessed be.

Leave the altar up the whole day. Take time today to express your love and admiration for them.
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