Love Oil Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Thyme

The Imbolc season, which was a time of rebirth and renewed abundance, may also have been a sacred ritual period of purification in preparation for the renewed energies of spring. Various sacred plants were used throughout the winter season for this purpose. In Scotland, juniper was burned at the New Year to sain or purify the home. Torannon, or figwort, was utilized around Imbolc for protection and abundance. The dandelion was sacred to Bridget, and its root is still used for purification. In Scotland great fires of gorse were made, and the herb called "broom" was burned as well. Prepare a ritual incense for purification and protection in preparation for spring. Mix together juniper, dandelion root, broom, and figwort, and use the smoke to smudge your home and your loved ones.
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