POSTED UNDER Air, Blessing, Garden, AND MORE

Making a Water Altar

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Frankincense

The element of water relates to the soul, emotions, intuition, cleansing, tides, and cycles. The scents of water include gardenia, jasmine, rose, and sandalwood; its stones include aquamarine, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, and moonstone. Its main color is blue, with secondary associations to limpid shades of lavender and green, and gray and white.Even if you have very little space, you can enjoy a water altar. For this, you need a large, clear glass vase. Put some blue marbles in the bottom and a mesh tray in the neck to hold plant cuttings which will root. (Some people like to add a single fish.) Consecrate it with these words:

Sacred water in a vase
Spread your blessings through this place
Wash away despair
and strife
Fill the space with
hope and life.

Keep your water altar in bright, indirect sunlight and repeat the rhyme whenever you add or change water.
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