POSTED UNDER Beltane, Charm

Divination Charm

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Bayberry
Color of the day: Scarlet
Incense of the day: Bayberry

In Celtic tradition, the seasons associated with Beltane (May) and Samhain (November) were considered the most powerful times to perform divination. While certain divinatory rites were performed directly on the quarter days, other auspicious days associated with the lunar cycle were also utilized in the quest to gain sacred wisdom. Seers often petitioned the divine powers to help them deepen and develop these abilities. Here is a traditional charm used to obtain the power to drink from the vessel of truth:

The gods above me,
The gods below me,
The gods before me,
The gods behind me.
See that I am on your path
And know that you
Are in my footsteps.
Give me eyes to see my quest
With a power that will
Never fail or dim.
Knowledge of truth, not
Knowledge of falsehood,
That I may truly see
All in my path.
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