Mother Goddess Invocation

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Marigold
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Marigold

Today is Mother's Day. Originally created as a holiday for promoting peace and tolerance over war and conflict, it later became a time to honor the state of motherhood and for people to show reverence for their own mothers. On this day, Pagans often revere the Mother Goddess in any or all of her many guises. A Mother's Day prayer or ritual might include words such as these:

Tiamat, deep-sea womb of all that lives,
Inanna, queen of the first city, Uruk,
Danu, spirit of the emerald isle,
Isis, bright-winged Witch of the river Nile,
Sophia, fount of heavenly wisdom,
Freya, bearer of Brisingamen,
Shakti, power of love and creation,
Gaia, broad belly of the fertile Earth,
Great Mother, we hail you by all your namees!

You may adorn your altar with flowers, fruit, candy, jewelry, or other delights such as might be presented to human mothers.
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