POSTED UNDER Blessing, Midsummer, Summer

Honoring the First Fruits

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Narcissus

Several cultures, including the Romans, believed in the importance of honoring the first fruits in order to ensure continued abundant harvests. Not doing so created fears of blight, lost crops, and later famine. Sometimes the honor combined with the first harvest; sometimes it was celebrated with the first flowering. Close to Midsummer is a good time to celebrate all that is blossoming, flowering, and abundant. Place your favorite seasonal fruits, vegetables, and flowers in cheerfully painted pottery or in hand-crafted baskets. Arrange these on a brightly colored cloth. Write a blessing to celebrate the abundance that blossoms in your life. Play your favorite instrument, dance around the offerings. Make a libation with your favorite beverage and an offering from the pieces you've fathered. Prepare a meal from what is left, and, even better, invite someone to share it.

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