POSTED UNDER Blessing, Moon, Water

Water Scrying

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Orchid
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Orchid

This Full Moon night begins the Celtic month of Muin, or Vine, which represents the powers of prophecy. Take a dark-colored bowl of water outside and add a pinch of sea salt, blessing it under the Full Moon.
Shining mirror, white moonflower
Please bless this dish of sea
Fill the water with your power
Share prophecy's gifts with me.
Take the bowl inside in a dark room lit by only two tealights. Set the candles on each side of the bowl in such a way that their light is not reflected on the surface of the water. Surround the bowl with vines or a grapevine wreath and moonflowers or moonflower seeds. Dip your finger in the water and touch it to your third eye. Ground and center and then gaze into the bowl. Look past the surface of the water, deep into the dark beyond. Concentrating on your question, you should begin to see vague images; allow them to form, don't force them, just observe. On a paper nearby, write your impressions as soon as you can after you finish scrying. This divination technique takes practice, but with work, it can be quite effective.

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