Car Protection Charms

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Hyacinth

It is always a positive thing to add extra protection to our vehicles. These are some simple methods of creating protection charms for your car. Obtain a small silver pentacle. Cleanse it with a good smudging, and bless it to the protection of your car. With a fine black ribbon, bind it up close around the mounting post of your rearview mirror so that it's not dangling in the way but is able to be charged daily by the light of Sun and Moon through the windshield. You may also charge a crystal for the specific purpose of protecting your car. Place the crystal in a secure location in the vehicle where it will not end up sliding all over the car. In the case of either charm, if your car has mechanical issues or a close call with an accident, take the charm out of the car, cleanse it, and recharge it to its original intent.
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