POSTED UNDER Healing, Wind

A Spell of Redemption for Women

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
Bona Dea (the Good Goddess) was a Roman goddess mostly worshipped in a temple on the Aventine Hill. Only women held her rites, even drawings of men and male animals were forbidden. Sorry, guys, this one is for the ladies. She was associated with women's mysteries, healing, and freedom from slavery and violence. This is a spell for any women who are trying to escape violent or oppressive situations, or even the slavery of their own fear, and it should be followed up by appropriate legal support and/or counseling. Light a purple candle. Make a list of what oppresses you and draw a snake over those words.
Bona Dea, Good Goddess, protect me,
Deliver me from abuse and slavery
Help to me stand strong and free
Healing my wounds, I honor thee.
Burn the paper and send the ashes to the wind.
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