POSTED UNDER Air, Blessing, Earth, AND MORE

Cow Appreciation Day

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
This is Cow Appreciation Day. Many cultures consider the cow a sacred animal, including Hindu, Celtic, and Egyptian traditions. The cow is associated with various goddesses including Brigid, Bubona, Hathor, and Ninsun the Wise. Her qualities include contentment, motherhood, nurturing, and wealth. Her element is earth. Honor the cow today by eating dairy products and abstaining from beef. Remember that you are what you eat-happy, healthy cows give good food, but cows trapped in miserable conditions give less wholesome food. Take care of yourself and the cows by promoting free-range livestock. Join community-supported agriculture and you may visit "your" cows during an open house! Here is a Cow Appreciation blessing:
Hail, Sacred Cow
Mother of plenty,
Giver of good milk!
We bow to your abundance
And praise your perfection.
Bless us with wealth and health

As we bless your patience
And your generosity.
So mote it be!

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