POSTED UNDER Earth, Healing, Peace, AND MORE

Earth Altar

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Are you exhausted from the holiday craziness? If you need a break from all the manic energy, consider building a special earth altar. Earth is the ruling element in winter. Earth is the realm of silence, death, sleep, and darkness. Its powers include those of healing, prosperity, and manifestation. Build an earth altar in a quiet corner of your house as a place to rest your spirit. Use cloths of brown, black, and green and place on your altar a vase of bare branches and a pentacle, the tool associated with the earth. A representation of your totem animal and your favorite crystals are excellent additions. Go to this special altar whenever you need a moment of peace. Allow your eyes to soft-focus on the symbols you've assembled. Breathe slow, even breaths. There. Don't you feel better?

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