POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Garden, AND MORE

A Garden Blessing

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Mint
In many regions, the soil can now be worked in the garden. It's not too early to plant cool-weather vegetables-lettuce, onions, and spinach are good choices. While you're in the garden, this would be a good time to perform this simple blessing.
Begin by crumbling some soil in your fingers and inhale its earthy scent. With deep reverence, begin hoeing and loosening the soil. Let your hoe serve as your wand. Direct your energy down the handle of the hoe and into Mother Earth. Silently thank her for allowing you to plant and eventually harvest her bounty. Take a moment to connect with the natural world surrounding you at this time of year-the sound of birdsong, the budding trees, and early blooming-bloom-ing spring flowers. The Earth is alive, and you are part of this magic.

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