Lily of the Valley Spell

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Lily
Lily of the valley is an old-fashioned, enchanting faerie flower. Its blossom is sweetly scented and has the ability to lift our spirits and bring cheer into any room where it's placed. Today let's work with the energies of the waning Moon and the power of this flower and conjure up a happiness spell. Tuck a few stems of the flower into a vase and say:

Lily of the valley tiny though it may be,

Has the power to remove negativity.

May the waning Moon banish all sadness around here,

While this faerie flower brings cheer to those I hold dear.

Allow the flowers to work their magic until they begin to fade. Then gently return them to nature.
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About Ellen Dugan
Ellen Dugan is the award-winning author of fifteen books, and is known as the "Garden Witch". A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. Well known for her candor and humor, she is a Master Gardener, and is the High Priestess of her Coven in the St. Louis area. ...
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