POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Protection, AND MORE

Car Protection Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Whether you own a car or are traveling in someone else's, you can use this simple spell to protect the car and its contents.
Before you get in, circle four times around the car, clockwise, chanting:

"I call the earth, steadfast and true, to protect this car through and through.
I invoke air, sweet life and health, bless this car and carried wealth.
I call on fire, burning bright, give this car reliable might.
I invoke water, flowing free, bless this car, and bless me."

When you get in the car and fasten your seatbelt, say:

"Goddess, hold this car in your hands, deliver us to our destination, guide and protect us evermore, in this divine transportation."

If you're leaving your car in a parking lot or on the street, you can use the first four lines again, to invoke protection around your car and its contents while it sits unattended.
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