Let Your Spiritual Power Sing!

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Basil
On this date in 1939, Grammy and Tony Award–winning Canadian opera singer Teresa Stratas was born. Music is a wonderful method of raising energy and weaving magick, and you need not be an award-winning artist to do so. We all are capable of creating magick with our voices.
Today, vocalize aloud a favorite song or chant that inspires you spiritually, or even write your own! This is an act of magick in itself, as the spiritually relevant words voiced aloud are heard by the universe as a reaffirmation of your beliefs, intentions, and goals. This magickal exercise will also help you think about the power of the words you speak and of the music you listen to. If you have any additional magickal work you plan on doing today, a great energetic time and space to do so is after singing or chanting.
Let your spiritual power sing!
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