POSTED UNDER Cat, Protection

Honoring Guardian Spirits

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Mint
Today, the Catholic Church observes the Feast of the Guardian Angels. However, angels are not restricted to Christianity. Angels appear across cultures and spiritualities in many forms and predate Christianity. Although many of us already do so daily, take a few extra minutes today to honor your personal guardian spirits, whatever their form may be for you. It could be an angel, saint, patron god or goddess, power animal, ancestor, or other spirit. The relationship between a practitioner and his or her guardian spirits is one where reciprocity and teamwork factor heavily. In honor of the reciprocity for the guidance and protection you receive in your relationship with your guardian spirits, make an offering to them of something they enjoy, and light a candle to them on your altar. Voice your gratitude to them:

"Gratitude and honor for the relationship between you and me.
For your protection and guidance, I thank thee!"
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