Time to Remember Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Deep in December, it's time to remember those we've lost touch with, or those who are no longer on this earth. As the hustle and bustle of the holidays reaches its peak, here is a spell to help you connect.
Cover your altar in red fabric, and place two bayberry-scented candles on it. If you wish, add photos. Think of someone you wish to contact. Envision their face in your mind. As you think of them, light the candles and move them close together. If you're thinking of someone deceased, send loving thoughts their way. Then whisper:

"In December when the world is aglow,
It's time to remember
The loved ones it's nice to know."

While the candles burn, write a note to at least one person you've thought of. In this way, you're creating a chain of good karma. Be alert for any psychic messages coming to you, and mail the note.
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