A Quickening Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
The second full moon of the year has many names: Snow Moon, Moon of Ice, Bear Moon, Quickening Moon, Little Famine Moon, and Bony Moon. This one occurs in Leo, a sign known for shining a personal spotlight. Prepare to view tonight's total lunar eclipse either outdoors or indoors. A lunar eclipse is symbolic of our shadow self, so ruminate about what "shadow" you want to shine the Leo spotlight on. Cast this spell as the earth passes between the sun and moon. As a shadow creeps across the moon, name it. For example:

"I am afraid of abandonment."

At the peak of the eclipse, be still. Breathe deeply and simply be with your shadow. Feel it. As light creeps across the moon, identify the shadow's strength:

"I am autonomous and self-sufficient."

In the spotlight of the full Quickening Moon, know that your strength is illuminated.
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