POSTED UNDER Love, Relationships, Romance, AND MORE

Creative Romance Month

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Mint
Everyone knows about Valentine's Day, but February is also Creative Romance Month. This can mean spicing up a current relationship, seeking a new one, or celebrating things like platonic romance.

This spell requires hearts, such as beads or chocolates, one for you and one for your partner(s). Use red for sexual romance or pink for platonic. Hold your heart and imagine what you have to give. Hold your partner's heart and focus on what you wish to receive. If you have some current partner(s), give your heart to them and keep theirs on your altar. If not, you can leave yours in a public place such as a park to signify your openness to new relationships.

In any case, take time today to do sweet and quirky things for people you love, whether the relationship is erotic or not. Affectionate gestures increase the amount of love in your life.
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