Color of the day: Indigo Incense of the day: Pine The season of transition is a great time to commit to new healthful habits. SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, is a seasonal circadian condition that causes irregular moods, depression, and unpredictable sleep patterns in those who are photosensitive to the decreasing amounts of daytime light. If the darker months of our orbit really get you down, why not start soaking up the light today? Acquire a solar therapy lamp and begin meditating for five to ten minutes a day. Use the following Latin mantra to create a continuum of light within and all around you: Lux ad infinitum (“Light to infinity”). This phrase’s deeper meaning is that light is eternal and continually present, even if invisible. If you can commit yourself to worshiping light throughout the season of darkness by choosing self-care and personal wellbeing, then the darkness of the season can be overcome simply by following healthy daily habits. |