POSTED UNDER Prayer, Relationships

Letting Go Spell

Often, the strings of energy that connect us to people from past lives need cutting so we can move forward. This spell encourages the release of old attachments, while preserving positive memories. To start, cast a circle and say a brief prayer to Persephone, goddess of the underworld. Then take a thirteen-inch string or cord, and tie a loose knot for each person you want to separate from. While tying the knot, focus on moving forward. As you complete the visualization, say: "I release this from myself, and welcome new and positive relationships into my life. "Once finished, reflect on your knots, and untie them, one by one, picturing the attachment as a flock of birds flying free from your body. When finished, bury the string and thank Persephone for her help in carrying old feelings away from you.
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