POSTED UNDER Charm, Prosperity

The Pit of Prosperity

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Rosemary

Today is National Avocado Day. Not only is this fruit delicious and nutritious, but magically it packs a punch for prosperity magic. Next time you partake of the deliciousness of avocado, save the pit. Avocado pits are excellent inclusions in prosperity spells. In fact, you can use a pit all on its own to make a prosperity charm. While the pit is fresh and somewhat soft, carefully carve prosperity symbols into it Choose symbols that resonate with you, then say the following charm over it:

Green and prosperous fruit I eat,

Pit of prosperity, an extra treat.

Attracting plenty toward me,

As it is carved, so mote it be.

Set the magical pit on a napkin or towel and let it dry on your altar. Then leave it on your altar or carry it in a charm bag.

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