Moon Tarot Mysteries Revealed

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Clary sage

In the major arcana of the tarot, the eighteenth card is the Moon. This card signifies mysteries, hidden meanings, secrets, and sometimes even deceptions. It’s a great card to focus on when trying to figure out a mystery in your life.

Take the Moon card from your favorite tarot deck and place it on the center of your altar. Position yourself so you can look at the card comfortably for an extended period. As you look at the card, think about a situation you are experiencing that might not be what it seems or that you feel has some mystery behind it. Close your eyes and feel the energy of the Moon card radiate out toward you. When the energy hits you, ask for the mystery you’ve been thinking of to be revealed. You should then see the answer in your mind’s eye.

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Jason Mankey is a third-degree Gardnerian High Priest and helps run two Witchcraft covens in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Ari. He is a popular speaker at Pagan and Witchcraft events across North America and Great Britain and has been recognized by his peers as an authority on the ...
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