
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  The Llewellyn Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Celtic Cross
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Your Tarot Reading
About the Cards in Your Reading
In the Cover position
Indicates the querent in relationship to the present situation.

Meaning: Tempering. Moderation. Adaptation. Managing a volatile situation in a calm, thoughtful way. Grace under pressure. Healing. Balance, reflection, and patience. Having clear boundaries. A confident and outspoken survivor. Bridging two very different worlds. The successful mixing of two opposites. Combining materials. This tarot card is sometimes called the Art card and speaks of visionary art that brings ideas from one world to the next. Being of two worlds. Ability to adapt. Beneficial transformation. Successful combination of ideas, lifestyles, or people. Creating a nurturing, appropriate environment. Caring for one's health. Repose. Feeling protected and removed. Guardian angel. Self-control. Compatibility. Blending and harmony. Finding inner peace. A period of waiting and constructive use of time.

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Five of Swords
In the Cross position
Five of Swords
Represents the positive forces or assets in the querent's favor. If this card should happen to be a negative card, it indicates the nature of an obstacles that is hindering progress. (The card in this position is always interpreted in its upright manner.)

Meaning: Loss, sorrow, regret. Defeat. Overwhelming opposition. Thwarted by obstacles. Loss of confidence. Sometimes being made to suffer the sins of others. Lack of strength and resources. Feeling disoriented. Loss of blood. Misjudging a situation or person. Rash action. Humiliation. Unfortunate meeting. Mercy or the lack of it.

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Five of Cups
In the Beneath position
Five of Cups
Represents the preoccupation of the subconscious which filters into waking life, affecting moods and outlook. This is the underlying theme of dreams and the emotional undercurrent in the querent's life.

Meaning: Disappointment. Being held at a disadvantage and manipulated by emotional strings. Unfulfilled dreams. Feeling an energy drain. Spilled milk. Suffering over one¹s suffering. Difficulty accepting a loss. Disbelief. Senseless loss. Lingering gloom. Being limited by the haunting of past experience. Weight. Slow healing.

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Page of Cups
In the Crown position
Page of Cups
Can be viewed as a message from the "higher self." It can also reflect the querent's potential aspirations.

Meaning: Good news. Invitation. A cheerful young person with a trusting heart. Optimism. Romantic interest. Imagination. Playfulness. Artistic abilities. Compassion and understanding. Birth of a child. An accommodating, well-mannered soul.

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The Wheel of Fortune
In the Behind position
The Wheel of Fortune
Represents past events and influences that color and give rise to the current situation.

Meaning: Surprise. Change of fortune. Unexpected turn of events. Good luck. Progression. Windfall. Measurable time or natural cycle. Upturn of the wheel. Improvement. After struggles, obstacles give way and plans engage. Breakthrough and movement. Blind fortune. Chance. Moods of fate. Surmounting difficulties. Relief from another's oppression. The Wheel of Fortune can herald random change neither sought nor deserved, reminding us that fate sometimes rewards the unworthy while denying those deserving of luck. The card also carries a warning to the vain and fame seekers, in that what went up must come down, and at times depicts the figure atop the wheel with the ears of an ass. The wheel can represent a natural shift of circumstance or phase in life, such as the change from adolescent to adult, adult to middle age, etc.

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Knight of Swords
In the Before position
Knight of Swords
Represents what is likely to happen next.

Meaning: Daring, impressive young man of action. An impulsive but usually well-meaning person. Heroic, if a little rash. A man who can be wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Being determined, intelligent, and single-minded. Goals taking priority over relationships. A mercenary. Standing up for oneself or others. Bringing matters to a head.

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Knight of Wands
In the Self position
Knight of Wands
Indicates the querent's psychological state and attitudes which can greatly affect the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: A quick, clever man with a sense of humour. One with an unusual way of looking at life, recognizing patterns and opportunities missed by others. He is somewhat unpredictable, making for stimulating company. A man who inspires with his enthusiasm and gift of language. A considerate and loyal person. A journey or change of residence. Sound instincts.

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Four of Cups - Reversed
In the House position
Four of Cups - Reversed
Represents the querent's environment and unseen forces influencing the situation.

Meaning: Suspicion. Blaming others for one's situation. Playing on the undeserved sympathy of others. Insecurity.

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Nine of Pentacles
In the Hopes position
Nine of Pentacles
Indicates the hopes and fears of the querent.

Meaning: Prudence. Assessment. Tallying. Successful handling of a multifaceted venture. Having speculated and been proven right. Planning and diplomacy. Care in choosing friends and confidants. Compassion, patience, and effort to understand others. Foresight and honourable behaviour. Popularity.

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The Chariot - Reversed
In the Outcome position
The Chariot - Reversed
Indicates the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: Breakdown of an enterprise due to scattered energies. Doubts undermine and erode commitment and morale. Not having the confidence of a team. Weakness. Impulsive, erratic behaviour. Immaturity. Loss of focus. The tail wagging the dog. Being led astray. Loose cannon. Danger to come of too much power and speed.

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About the Deck
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson

From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist.

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