
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  The Llewellyn Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Ten Card Spread
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Your Tarot Reading
King of WandsKnight of Swords
Ten of Cups
Two of SwordsThe Hanged ManThe StarAce of WandsFive of Swords
The TowerQueen of Wands
About the Cards in Your Reading
The Star
In the Querent position
The Star
Represents the querent and the question, as well as the primary influences surrounding him or her. A court card here might refer to the querent or some dominant person.

Meaning: Hope. Inspiration. Guiding star. Moment of grace and peace. Freedom. Early signs of life taking on a new pattern. Freedom after trials. Chance for escape. First sign of dawn. Release. Self-reliance. Clever, inspired ideas. Listening for direction. A quickening. Salvation. Empowerment. Destiny. A time of farseeing. Taking steps to save one's self‹not giving into resignation. Enlightened idea. Planning. Thaw of the ice. Return of life force. Rejuvenation. Drawing strength from nature.

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The Tower
In the Subconscious Mind position
The Tower
Along with the next card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.

Meaning: Destruction. Major change. Unheeded warnings. Greed, pride, arrogance. Revolution. Breakdown or breakthrough‹ the positive or negative implications of the card depend on the querent's position. If one has been living under oppression, dramatic and possible traumatic change will be freedom, but if one has been living the high life off the toil of others, expect reversal of fortune and loss. Irrepressible tantrum of change. Eruption. Triumph over enslaving, compulsive behaviours such as addiction or obsessive complexes. Collapse of the old system or lifestyle. Destruction of gains made by ill means. Clearing of the air. Cleansing destruction. Change of values.

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Queen of Wands
In the Subconscious Mind position
Queen of Wands
Along with the previous card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.

Meaning: An intelligent woman with a warm heart. She is admired for being self-made, having earned her standing in the world by way of her own hard work and talents. This experience makes her sensitive to the struggles of others she finds worthy. Courage, conviction, high ideals. A steadfast supporter. A woman who stimulates and teaches those around her. A person of intellectual influence. Politics and education. While she enjoys luxury, she values accomplishment and attempts to leave her mark on society.

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King of Wands
In the Conscious Mind position
King of Wands
Along with the next card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).

Meaning: Status, honour. An intellectual, artistic force who is more stable than the Knight of Wands. A man who has succeeded due to his own intelligence and determination. Overcoming a disadvantaged start in life to reach a position of influence and satisfaction. The card represents more than the material success which may accompany his rise‹it is achievement that contributes to the arts, sciences, or quality of life. A life well lived.

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Knight of Swords
In the Conscious Mind position
Knight of Swords
Along with the previous card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).

Meaning: Daring, impressive young man of action. An impulsive but usually well-meaning person. Heroic, if a little rash. A man who can be wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Being determined, intelligent, and single-minded. Goals taking priority over relationships. A mercenary. Standing up for oneself or others. Bringing matters to a head.

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Ace of Wands
In the Past position
Ace of Wands
Along with the next card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.

Meaning: Inspiration. Rising to a challenge. Breakthrough in thinking. Self-reliance, spiritual strength, and confidence. Conviction and faith in vision or path. Reason reigning over impulse. Ideas empowered by desire. Creative heights and achievement. Quick thinking, humour, and balance. Revelations and transcendent thoughts. Fruitful plans and far-reaching ideas. Empathy and understanding. Marriage and fertility.

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Five of Swords
In the Past position
Five of Swords
Along with the last card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.

Meaning: Loss, sorrow, regret. Defeat. Overwhelming opposition. Thwarted by obstacles. Loss of confidence. Sometimes being made to suffer the sins of others. Lack of strength and resources. Feeling disoriented. Loss of blood. Misjudging a situation or person. Rash action. Humiliation. Unfortunate meeting. Mercy or the lack of it.

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The Hanged Man
In the Final Outcome position
The Hanged Man
Along with the next card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.

Meaning: Restraint. Suspension. Stalemate. Atonement. Not being able to make one's influence felt. Being held at a disadvantage. The dull pain born of constraint. Being caught in a web. A freeze on life. Detachment and isolation. Impotence and chastisement. Can mean a punishment, as in the law of retaliation applying to the traitor. Such suspensions can follow betraying one's self in doing or allowing something in one's life that was known to be wrong. Feeling marginalized, which can be a form of protection. Redemption. The silence of constraint brings deeper self-knowledge and sharpens the intuitive senses as a blind man "sees". Tapping a deep root. Uncommon knowledge. A life pared down to the basics. A time of gestation in a borderland state between chapters in life. Self-sacrifice in pursuit of knowledge or a cause. Energy drain. Delays and suspension of plans. A wise temporary surrender. Endurance. Insight. Being still in order to learn the secret to freeing one's self.

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Two of Swords
In the Final Outcome position
Two of Swords
Along with the previous card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.

Meaning: Armed peace. Uncertainty. Limited information. Impasse. Blind judgment. Sensing. Frail alliance but with potential. Invitation to friendship, collaboration, or union, but not being met halfway. Questioning whether friend or foe. Dual nature. Energized by a not yet decided situation, relationship, or path venturing into the unknown. Having to proceed while in the dark, using intuition or caution. Self-reliance. Having to make a blind choice to break a stalemate.

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Ten of Cups
In the Outside Forces and Psychological Implications position
Ten of Cups
This is the crossover card from past to future. This indicates the psychological implications on the querent or the actions he/she will take in making whatever decision may be necessary. It may also indicate forces operating beyond the control of the querent to which he/she must adapt.

Meaning: Full heart. Blessings. Higher, mature love. True love. Real companionship. Dreams come true. Safety, security, and satisfaction. A giving relationship. Natural order. Home providing joy. Thanksgiving. Trust. A feeling of arrival and freedom. Fruitful partnership. Deep connection. Joining of talents make for a powerful, creative force. Fortunate, natural pairing. Harmony. A dreamy partnership as a source of light and benefit to others.

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About the Deck
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson

From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist.

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