Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Qualities of the Astral Plane

The astral plane is the second plane, sometimes called the Inner Plane or subjective world. It is an alternate dimension both coincident to our physical world and extending beyond it. Some believe it extends to other planets and allows for astral travel between them. It is that level of concrete consciousness between the Physical/Etheric, the sphere of ordinary consciousness, and the Mental and Spiritual levels. It is where dreams, vision, and imagination are experienced and magical action shapes physical manifestation.

Just as humans cannot fly through the air without aid so we cannot readily function at these higher levels until we ourselves are able to raise our levels of consciousness and achieve increased awareness. Your perceptions at the lowest levels of the astral plane can be as challenging as those of the lowest levels of the physical plane such as below sea level where there are creatures living without oxygen in the midst of sulfurous plumes in the ocean deeps rising from the earth’s hellish volcanic interior. 

In this New Age, we will experience the same drive that led us to explore and adapt to the far reaches of the physical world extended to these additional worlds that make up the vaster universe that is both physical and non-physical. The astral plane is in many ways our new frontier, and as we focus more and more in this added dimension we hope that we will at the same time bring peace and true prosperity and full realization of the beneficial opportunities in the physical plane that is the foundation for our evolutionary journey.

See also:  Astral Plane
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