Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Dimension


1.  The term “dimension” has certain specific meanings in mathematics and physics, such as the three dimensions of length, width, and height. To mystics and occultists, a dimension is the area in which we exist and which is bounded by the extent of our normal five senses. Thus, we normally experience life in this physical dimension while the next or astral dimension is outside of our normal apprehension and is usually observed only via paranormal senses.

2.  Each Plane or level of reality has certain distinctive characteristics of Space, Substance, Energy, Consciousness, Nature, and “Rules of Engagement” that must be recognized as determinate for phenomena at that particular level and for efficient and effective functioning of consciousness at the chosen level. According to the esoteric teachings of Henry Laurency the increase from three dimensions at the physical plane to four at the astral, five at the mental, etc. seven at the manifestal. 

AUTHOR:  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke