POSTED UNDER Bath, Bathroom, Healing, AND MORE

Pisces Health Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Basil

With the Sun and Moon both in Pisces today, this is an excellent time to feel the healing properties of water. You should visit a spa, health club, or other such place today, particularly if it offers hydrotherapy. Or you can do this simple health spell at home. Use blue or green tinted bath salts or a seaweed-based shower gel. Light a blue and a green candle in your bathroom. Anoint your body with lavender, rosemary, and eucalyptus oils. Add a few drops to the bath salts or shower gel. For a stronger effect, also use the oils in a diffuser and place a blue lightbulb in the bathroom. Consecrate the room with salt water before entering the bath. Breathe deeply and ask the undines, or water spirits, to enter the sacred space and help heal your aches and pains. Relax thoroughly, and enjoy your hydrotherapy. Remember to thank and dismiss the undines after the bath.

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