Rosemary Herbal Soothing Rinse

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Sage

The last dog days of summer may exact their toll on hair and skin. Both can be soothed and revitalized by a simple infusion of rosemary in spring water. To do this, make a strong rosemary tea by steeping the herb in boiled spring water. Store the tea in a sterile covered jar, and keep chilled. Use as a wonderfully fragrant hair rinse to stimulate the scalp and revitalize your sun-damaged tresses. Take a rosemary-infused bath to calm itchy sun-exposed skin. Splash and smooth the chilled tea on skin before an evening outdoors; rosemary also acts as a natural insect repellent. Applied to stings and bites, rosemary helps quell the itching and inflammation. No wonder rosemary is cherished as an herb of powerful protective energies.

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