POSTED UNDER Charm, Children, Cure, AND MORE

Family Prosperity Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Myrrh

On this day which honors workers, do this spell so that members of your immediate and extended family will feel secure in their jobs, or will find a job if they need one. To start, light a green candle, and anoint it with Money, Prosperity, or Success oil. Write on a piece of paper with green ink the names of each family member who wants to work. Fold the paper into a small square, and anoint the paper. Sprinkle some green herbs-basil, parsley, thyme, and so on-around the candle. Place the petition and some of the herbs in a small, green-felt bag. Ask the universe for financial security, and carry the charm with you. After Labor Day, give the charm to the person in the family who most needs job security. As his or her financial lot improves, so will the rest of the family's.

Holiday lore:
Many Greeks consider this their New Year's Day, based on the agricultural traditions of the region. This day marks the beginning of the sowing season, a time of promise and hope. People fashion wreaths of pomegranates, grapes, quinces, and garlic bulbs-all traditional symbols of abundance-on this day. Just before dawn on September 1, children submerge the wreaths in the ocean waters for luck. They carry seawater and pebbles home with them in small jars to serve as protection in the coming year. Tradition calls for exactly forty pebbles and water from exactly forty waves.

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