Letting Go Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Rose

Sometimes it is difficult to let go. You can use this waning Moon to quell the pain of a failed relationship and free yourself from lingering attachments. When the Moon rises, prepare to take a bath by candlelight. Light as many white candles as it takes to fill the room with light. Place a picture or statue of a cat near the candles. You will call on Freya for this ritual, for as the Norse goddess of love she will understand and help take away your pain. Pour a cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of a relaxing essential oil (try lavender, rose, or jasmine) into the bath. Stand before the candles for a few moments. Breathe in the light and energy from the candles. Tell Freya your troubles, slowly and softly, and ask her to release you from the pain. Wait there a few moments while the candles burn and the silence fills the room. Then bathe, visualizing yourself being cleansed of all negativity. After bathing, thank Freya, extinguish the candles, and give your cat a hug and a soft kiss.
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