A Simple Work Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Carnation

Wmile Zola wrote: "The artist is worth nothing without the gift, but the gift is worth nothing with-out work." The Japanese hold a festival for tailors called the Festival of Broken Needles. A shrine is built from the broken needles that tailors save through the year. This is intended as an offering and reminder of the work the needles have performed through the course of the past twelve months. In
honor of this festival, ask yourself now: What are your broken needles? What tools, seldom acknowledged, do you rely on throughout your year? One you have decided, build a shrine to your patron god or goddess with symbols of the tools that helped you strive and succeed this past year. Burn an orange candle to represent the harvest, and reflect carefully on this last year's labors. Burn a brown candle for new endeavors. What do you wish to accomplish for the upcoming year? Ask your god or goddess for blessings.
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