POSTED UNDER Earth, Friends, Home, AND MORE

Lammas Hospitality Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Lavender

Lammas has been characterized since prehistory as a time for the sharing of bread. In the Celtic countries, clan chieftains were obliged to be hospitable to all guests, even their enemies. The sharing of food bonds people together. In humanity's deep past, breaking bread together was an offering and acceptance of friendship. In many ways, eating with others is a very intimate event. Recall all of your first dates that began by dining out. Wasn't that the most uncomfortable part of the evening? Create a grand feast this Lammas, and invite as many as many people as your home can hold. Be sure to include a few people who don't like you, a few you don't like, and any people who have been quarreling with each other. For your feast, bring the warm loaves of bread to the table after everything else has been placed. Announce that you will be passing the loaves so that everyone can break bread. While the bread is being passed you may tell the story of Celtic hospitality-how the sharing of bread is a symbol of peace and unity. End your explanation with a simple prayer that will not offend anyone's religious beliefs, or, depending on the size of your feast, allow everyone a chance to also offer a prayer. The ending of yours might sound something like this:

From the womb of Mother Earth comes bread,
From this gift we all are fed.
Sharing the creator's bounty together,
May generosity and peace be with us forever.
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