A Spell to Enhance Your Spells

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Sage

The dog days of summer often leave us feeling sapped of energy. Spellworking takes much energy, so a good Witch knows that some "tools" can help increase the flow. To enhance our spellworking, use the properties of calcite. Write your spell on a piece of paper. Fold it, and place it on a mirror. Then place a piece of calcite on top of the paper. Enchant the mirror and the calcite by saying: "Mirror reflect, calcite enlarge-with your help, this spell I charge." Leave the stone in place for three days. Burn the paper, and clean the mirror with a soft cloth. Leave the calcite on a windowsill to recharge by sunlight for a few days. When the Sun goes down on the last day, it will be ready to use again.
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