Messages of the Otherworld

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Sage
Incense of the day: Sage
Color of the day: Yellow

The ancient wise ones believed in maintaining the harmony and balance between humankind, earth, and the otherworld. When there is a readiness to listen and a willingness to understand, wisdom is bestowed. On a charcoal block, light a white candle. Burn sage for wisdom, oak for connection to the ancients, and mugwort to open your psychic eye. Focus on the candle through the smoke of the incense. State these or similar words:

Voices of the otherworld speak to me.
I long to hear your ageless messages from beyond,
And your wisdom of harmony.

Let your mind open to the messages. The unconscious brain will receive the messages initially. Your conscious brain may interpret the messages over a period of time. Thank the ancients and leave an offering in their honor.
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