Capricorn Energy Spell

For a spell to tap into the Capricornian urge to build, you will need an 81ΒΌ2 x 11-inch piece of graph paper and a pencil or pen. On a Saturday, write down as specifically as you can what it is that you wish to build. Include also the boundaries that must be set, and the foundation that you need to create. Draw the symbols of Saturn (R) and Capricorn (j) on the paper, then write a list of your ancestors on the back of the paper. Each day, fill in one line of boxes by coloring them in with colored pencils as you burn your favorite incense. Repeat your intentions mentally or aloud as you work on the paper. After you complete each line, fold the paper into a square and place under a bowl that contains salt and dirt. When your desire manifests, bury the paper, the salt, and the dirt in your backyard.
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Silver RavenWolf (Pennsylvania) is a nationally recognized leader and elder of Wicca, and her writing has been instrumental in guiding the future of one of the fastest-growing faiths in America today. The author of many books, she has been interviewed by The New York Times, Newsweek Magazine, ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=23