POSTED UNDER Garden, Home, Peace, AND MORE

Walk With Nature Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Carnation

The haste of summer has passed, and with September comes a sense of peace and fulfillment. September arrives with cool misty mornings and blue morning glories blooming along the fence. In September nature begs us to walk with her-along a country road, over a ridge where you'll encounter an impatient maple tree blushed with a bit of color on a few leaves, or along a garden path where the squirrels scamper as they hide their bounty. As you walk, let your pulse slow and allow your attitude to relax. Let yourself become one with the season, and nature itself will become your altar. Along the way, respectfully gather some tokens of nature: pine cones, acorns, or a few colored leaves. When you return home, decorate with your treasures. Keep them as long as you wish, or use them later as ingredients in spell work. This is the magic of sweet September.
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