Sun Stone Spell

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Eucalyptus

This spell is to charge a stone with sunlight and whatever particular energy you desire. This is a good time to infuse a stone with energy for health and vitality or to lift your spirits and bring good cheer. First, select a stone that is associated with the Sun. This can be a metallic stone such as pyrite, or a piece of citrine, amber, or just clear quartz. In general, a clear or orange/yellow/gold stone will be the best choice. Place the stone in sunlight, either outside or in a sunny window. Visualize the sunlight infusing the stone with positive energy. To add your own personal touch, hold the stone in your palm and imagine the specific qualities you desire being absorbed by the stone through the Sun's rays. Allow the stone to sit in sunlight all day, then carry it with you or give it to someone who needs sunshine in her life.
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