Let the Sun Return

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Carnation

Winter may still own the land, but there are signs that we are moving closer to spring. Daylight lingers a little longer in the evening, and some early snow crocuses begin to bloom about now. The ancient belief is that the Sun should be encouraged to return at this time of year through rituals and spells. Here is one method. After dusk has turned to night, light a white taper candle. Open your front door and step outside. Whisper these words, "Candle burn, Sun return." The candle flame represents the Sun illuminating the darkness of winter. Now walk through your home carrying the candle; try not to let the flame go out. Visualize each room energized by the Sun's warmth. Place the candle on a table or altar. End this ritual by scrying as you gaze into the flame. What do you see?

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