POSTED UNDER Home, Peace, Spring, AND MORE

Spell for Peace

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Vanilla

We know that the very first signs of spring are just around the corner, and it's time to breathe a deep sigh and release any stress carrying over from winter. Bring peace to your heart. Light a blue candle and your favorite incense. As you gaze into the flame, feel yourself letting go of any stress you are holding. Now you are open to bring peace into your heart for the days ahead. Hold a tumbled rose quartz to your heart and feel the loving vibrations it fills you with.

Spirit of peace, find a home within my open heart
Peace, I carry with me now, serenity finds a start

You can keep the stone with you. Anytime you have a stressful day, sit somewhere quietly and hold the stone close to your heart, remembering the magic of this peaceful January day.
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