POSTED UNDER Air, Moon, Prayer

Full Moon

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Neroli
Color of the day: Lavender
Incense of the day: Neroli

We will witness a total lunar eclipse this February Full Moon. During an eclipse, we experience the energy of the entire month as we watch the Full Moon darken to a crescent, fall into complete shadow as it does at New Moon, and grow full again, all in a matter of minutes. The lunar eclipse symbolizes the Crone, not as the embodiment of wisdom but as the Lady of Passage. It is said that chanting a mantra during a lunar eclipse has one hundred times the power. Check your almanac for viewing time, then prepare your sacred space so the Moon is visible as you cast your spell. Make sure your altar includes three candles: a white candle symbolizing the Maiden crescent, a red candle for the Full Moon Mother, and a black candle for the waning Crone. Spend time contemplating what you wish to manifest to bring about a good change in your life. When the Moon is full, cast your circle and light the three candles. Focus on your desire. As the Moon passes into darkness, light a stick of incense and visualize your prayers rising along with the smoke up in the air to the Crone. She gathers your desire into herself. Hold this visualization until you see the Crone pass your desire to the emerging Maiden crescent. Continue your prayer as you witness the Maiden growing gibbous with your desire and transforming back into the Full Moon, the Great Mother. Blessed Be.
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