An Earth Day Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Marjoram

The Earth does not belong to us; rather, we belong to the Earth. This is a truth I learned many years ago on my grandparents' farm. From the Earth come the crops, and from the crops come the food that fuels our bodies. The Earth, in fact, has fueled all civilization for centuries. Let this spell return you to the power of the Earth. With your hands, scoop up a small amount of soil. It may contain a bit of grass, rocks, bark, or any natural object. Press the soil into a small ball and let it dry upon a piece of coarse cloth, such as burlap. Then, tie up the corners of the fabric. Keep this sacred Earth bundle as a token of the powers of the Earth. Place it upon your altar when you need some Earth energy for spellwork. If possible, go to a local farmers' market and purchase some produce or bread. As you eat the natural products, stop and think about where they came from. Reflect, and give thanks to the Earth and to the ancient farmers who first tended the soil. Without them, our civilization would not exist. Blessed be.

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