POSTED UNDER Home, Kitchen

Cleaning a Mess

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Myrrh

Paper napkins were used for the first time on this day in 1887. To clean up a mess and dispose of it, gather together white paper napkins, paper and pencil, and a cold cup of tea or coffee. This spell is best done in the kitchen or similar space. Create sacred space in your usual manner. On the napkin(s) write down your strengths and your problem-solving skills. Take the cold cup of tea or coffee and gaze at it, sending your problem into the liquid. Pour it onto the counter and clean the spill with the napkins as you chant, "I am done with the mess, it is over without stain." Wad up the napkin and throw it away with a loud "Good-bye." Be sure to take the garbage completely out of your home, disposing of it in your usual manner.
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