Darwin Day

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Rose
This is Darwin Day, honoring the scientist Charles Darwin. He presented the theory of evolution, in which natural selection causes minor variations in plants and animals to create new species better suited to their environments. This idea shaped much of modern biology and botany.
Some revelatory religions base their worldview on descriptions in ancient liturgy, which can lead to apparent conflicts between science and religion. Pagan religions generally do not do this; instead, they base their worldview on what the world itself reveals through its creatures and processes. Thus science and Paganism do not conflict, as new discoveries simply illuminate new aspects of the world we already revere. Choose a plant or animal you admire. Study it closely and consider how its features suit it for its particular role in nature. Meditate on the ever-changing perfection of life and how elegantly the Divine has shaped the processes of nature.
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