POSTED UNDER Blessing, Prayer

Giving Thanks

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lavender
When we begin to acknowledge the blessings that are present all around us, our life becomes more blessed. Take some time today to give thanks and honor the gods for the blessings they have bestowed to you. One technique I learned from my first Witchcamp was the use of a prayer mala. Our teacher taught us to acknowledge something for which we are grateful on each of the 108 rudraksha beads. It's a simple practice that can bring amazing results to the way we see and interact with the world. If you do not have a mala or set of prayer beads, make one or do this exercise in your Book of Shadows or magical journal. Number 108 spots and fill them in as you are moved. Really take your time with this. Ritualize if you wish and create the list inside sacred space. May your day be blessed.

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