A Subconscious Writing Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Perform a divinatory spell using your creative and artistic talents-or lack thereof! Begin by thinking of something you wish to gain insight on. Next, pick up a piece of paper and a writing instrument. Put yourself in a meditative state of consciousness and shift your mind's focus to only the question at hand. Clear your mind of other thoughts to allow your higher, subconscious mind to deliver messages during the exercise. When you feel that your mind has sufficiently shifted into a meditative and highly focused state, begin drawing. Sketch any symbols, patterns, words, or shapes that come to mind. Don't worry about it making sense. You must shut off your rational mind for this exercise, allowing yourself to completely immerse in the power of intuition. Take as long as you like. When finished, return to "normal," or grounded, consciousness and try to interpret what you've just drawn. This "automatic writing" of sorts should be able to be interpreted symbolically, and will help shed insight on the question at hand. Experiment with this regularly to further hone your abilities and uncover your natural skill of divination.

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=4197