Red Rabbit Fertility Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clove
Chinese New Year (Year of the Rabbit)

According to Chinese zodiacal lore, Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. Encouraging fertility this year is beneficial to the child born under this sign.

You will need:
A small, white, furry toy rabbit, finely ground dragon's blood, a small brush.

Hold the rabbit in your receiving hand (the left hand for most of us). Dip the brush into the dragon's blood, and softly brush the rabbit as you croon a lullaby of your choice. When the rabbit is colored evenly by the dragon's blood, place it in the room designated for the baby, or a bassinet. If you don't have the room yet, you can put the rabbit on a shelf, placing an article of baby clothing under it. Eat healthy, exercise, and make love as often as possible.

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