Full Moon Mysteries

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Full Moon accompanied by a lunar eclipse intensifies Moon magic and gives us a chance to delve deeper into the Mysteries. The Moon is a symbol for illusions and secrets; it reminds us we may not see everything clearly. This is especially true during a lunar eclipse. On this night when the Moon rides high and becomes shrouded by darkness, think of the mysteries in your own life you'd like solved. Perhaps this divination will help answer some of your questions. For this you'll need the Moon card from the tarot, a pendulum, black paper, and a craft pen with silver ink. Place the Moon card on a table or altar and meditate on it. Is there something hidden in the shadows you've been wondering about? Think of three questions you'd like answered. Write each question clearly on the black paper with silver ink. Begin moving your pendulum over each question. Repeat the question silently in your mind. The pendulum will begin to move, giving you a "yes" or "no" answer. If it moves in a circle, the answer hasn't been formed yet in the unseen realm. When done, save your questions and review them at the next Full Moon. Has anything been revealed to you since your last session?
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